Monday, June 11, 2012

A year ago today

I married my best friend!

I can't believe it's been a year already. Time has flown by this past year. We've overcome so many obstacles this past year: home remodeling, losing loved ones, me leaving for two months to go to training through work, to name a few. But we also had some incredible times as well: traveling to Mexico twice for vacation, welcoming my newest nephew, Hayes, and just loving life with each other.

A year ago today we said "I Do" to each other in a beautiful outdoor ceremony surrounded by our family and friends. Our officiant is a good friend of Ted's from high school and he did a wonderful job.

Our ceremony took place on a small "island" at a local golf course. We couldn't have asked for a better day. It was sunny, slight breeze and around 75 degrees. It was a perfect day for the second weekend in June in Nebraska (in Nebraska, you never know what you're going to get). We had five amazing family and friends stand up for us. Our parents and family were all there to share our special day with us as well. We chose to have a small ceremony because it is such an intimate occassion, that we wanted to share it with those that were close to our hearts ~ not to mention the seating was limited at our venue.

After the ceremony, we hopped on a bus and drove around Lincoln, snapping pictures at different places. I loved our photographer, a friend named Jason. He took incredible pictures.  

Our reception was at Courtside Banquet Hall, and the night went pretty flawlessly, minus the fact the air conditioner broke and they didn't get it fixed in time. So it was a little warm, but when the booze is flowing, no one seemed to mind :)

Our first dance was to "I'll Be" by Edwain McCain. We both love that song and it was the perfect fit for us.

All-in-all, it was a perfect day. I couldn't have asked for better. I'm so honored to be a part of Ted's life and I can not wait to see what the years to come have to offer. If the last year has been any indication of the rest of our lives, I can honestly say we will be in for the ride of our lives :)
